Moorings on the River Witham, Boston.


There is a one off joining fee of £100.
Annual subscription £25

For a membership application please contact us and we'll send you a form.
All fees and subscriptions can be paid by BACS and direct debit (preferred):


Phone: +44 1632 96099

Seasonal Mooring Fees

Seasonal Moorings from 1st April to 31st October:

Boats 25' and under .........................£330
Boats over 25' ...................................£385

Winter Moorings (1st November to 31st March):

All berths ...........................................£300

Seasonal moorings requiring shore power hook up will be allocated a meter.  Electricity is supplied at 40p per unit, payable at the end of each season.

Seasonal mooring fees are due from 1st January, and should be paid by 1st April.  Berth holders will not be invoiced for their moorings, so it is the members' responsibility to pay for their mooring in order to secure it for the following season. 

Visitor Mooring Fees

£10 per night inclusive of electricity and water.
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